People In Your Life

All through life we meet people,
Some with emotions that are fickle,
Some leave memories that make you tearful,
Some will leave you feeling empty and feeble,

Some will push you to work harder, 
They know what you're made of, 
They have faith in your abilities, 
Never ever let them down,

Some strangers will make your heart their home, 
They will make your life nothing less than paradise, 
Keep them close to you and love them, 
They will put their hand up when your own desert you…

No one in the world knows you better than your parents, 
They see to it that we never have to face the troubles they did, 
Our family shares with us sad and happy moments, 
When you drift off the right path you will be helped back onto it… 
Never lose hope because you never walk alone…


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